Changing NDIS Service Providers – Main Reasons


The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) is a significant reform in Australia that has changed the way disability services are delivered and funded. One of the NDIS’ primary goals is to empower participants to have more freedom and influence over their lives by supported independent living services or SIL.

Choices made by participants that are registered with the NDIS will require them to receive individualized funding packages for purchase of services from those providers who register as such on their behalf. At any given time, a participant can drop his/her service provider for another one if he/she feels that his/her services were not good enough.

High-quality care, greater dependability, better communication, and conformity with objectives might make the person participating in NDIS want to change their service provider for high-quality care. In making provider changes, it is necessary to deliberate and look at various options because it is a very serious step.

1. Poor Quality Care

One of the most common motivations for changing NDIS SIL providers is receiving poor quality care that does not meet the participant’s needs and expectations. There are a few key aspects of poor-quality care:

Inadequate or Insufficient Support

Some providers fail to deliver the agreed-upon levels of care and services outlined in the participant’s approved NDIS plan. Key disability supports that the participant requires may not be adequately provided or funded under their current provider.

For example, a provider may consistently send support workers who are ill-equipped or insufficiently trained to provide the scheduled services. Or a provider may regularly fail to send a worker for a scheduled shift, leaving the participant without essential care.

Changing to a provider that reliably delivers appropriate, tailored support can greatly benefit the participant’s health, well-being, and lifestyle.

Poor Skills and Training of Workers

Disability support work requires patience, empathy and compassion combined with specialized skills and training to properly meet participants’ needs. However, some providers do not invest enough in thoroughly training and developing their support workers. Staff may lack the required qualifications or experience to perform their roles well and provide individualized, high quality care.

Insufficiently skilled workers impact the participant if they cannot fully understand and properly support the individual’s medical conditions, communication methods, nutritional needs, physical limitations, behavioral triggers, mental health needs, and other care requirements.

Switching to a provider whose workers have accredited qualifications and strong, relevant expertise helps ensure the participant receives competent, safe care that caters to their unique needs.

Poor Cultural Competency

Cultural competence refers to a support worker’s ability to understand, respect and effectively work with people from diverse cultural, religious, language, and socioeconomic backgrounds. Support staff at some providers may lack cultural awareness, sensitivity, and humility when working with participants from minority groups and cultures.

For example, Indigenous participants may not feel the staff demonstrate adequate respect for their cultural values and traditions. Participants from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds may struggle to communicate effectively with staff who only speak English. Changing providers can help participants access culturally informed care that makes them feel understood and respected.

2. Unreliable and Inconsistent Services

In addition to quality of care, reliability and consistency of services are key expectations when choosing an NDIS provider. However, some providers struggle to deliver services reliably and predictably. Common issues include:

High Support Worker Turnover

Some NDIS providers experience high turnover rates among their disability support staff. This means participants frequently have new, unfamiliar workers supporting them as previous workers leave the provider. Such inconsistency can severely disrupt care, as participants miss out on building rapport and trust with regular support workers over time.

Having constantly changing faces also requires repeating your personal care needs and preferences over and over. Participants often benefit much more from developing ongoing relationships with one or two regular core support workers.

Short Notice Shift Cancellations

Support workers at some NDIS providers are prone to canceling scheduled shifts at the last minute. While reasonable cancellations can occur occasionally due to emergencies, regular late cancellations demonstrate problems with the provider’s processes.

Repeated cancellations mean the participant goes without their needed disability support at short notice, which severely disrupts their daily living, health, and participation goals. Changing providers may provide access to an agency with a more robust and responsive rostering system.

Lack of Back-Up Staffing

Relatedly, some problematic NDIS providers have no clear backup plan to provide alternative staff when a disability support worker is unwell or unable to make a scheduled shift for other reasons. The absence of such contingency planning indicates poor organization. It leaves the participant completely stranded without their required support when initial plans fall through.

Seeking out a provider with a more dependable approach to back-up staffing gives the participant confidence they will receive supports even if initial arrangements unravel.

3. Communication Breakdown

Communication breakdowns between NDIS providers, participants, and families represent another source of dissatisfaction that may spur changing providers. Effective communication ensures everyone is on the same page regarding the participant’s care needs, services delivered, goals, and outcomes. Communication problems include:

Lack of Responsiveness

Some providers have poor customer service, with management and staff being very slow or failing to respond to queries, complaints, and requests from participants and family members. Unanswered emails and phone calls lead to uncertainty and frustration. Changing providers can improve access to responsive staff who address concerns promptly.

Language Barriers

Participants from culturally diverse backgrounds may find it very difficult to communicate effectively with disability support staff who only speak English. It affects the support coordination. Reliable access to interpreters or bilingual staff is essential for clear communication and safe care for such participants. If the current provider does not facilitate this access, change may be warranted.

Confusing Information

NDIS providers supply participants with a lot of information about rosters, services, funding, organizational policies and more. However, some providers deliver this information in unclear, scattered or conflicting ways across different staff and documents. This creates confusion for the participant and makes self-managing services difficult. Seeking out a provider who delivers clear, accurate, consistent information can greatly help.

4. Inadequate Management

In some cases, the individual disability support workers may provide good care but are let down by organizational problems with the provider’s management. Some management issues that commonly motivate finding a new provider include:

Disorganized Rostering

Unreliable, disorganized rostering of staff undermines service delivery. NDIS providers should have robust organizational processes to coordinate support worker availability and assignments based on participant needs. Mismanagement of rosters leads to participants not having staff when required.

Inadequate Training and Development

High quality NDIS providers invest substantially in training and developing support workers’ skills through orientation, ongoing training, mentoring, performance feedback etc. Weak management of staff training leads to unskilled, inconsistent disability support. Changing providers may provide access to better trained staff.

Delayed Billing and Payments

Some providers are disorganized when it comes to submitting invoices and processing payment for delivered support. This results in delayed billing, slow payments, and participant out-of-pocket expenses in the interim. Choosing a provider with more streamlined administration and finances can avoid such issues.

5. Misalignment with Goals

As disability-related needs change, an NDIS provider with a different specialty may be better equipped to provide appropriate services. For example, changing from standard in-home care to a provider specializing in high-intensity nursing care or palliative care.

As needs change with age, changing providers can ensure access to appropriate services.

Seeking Different Therapy Approaches

Participants may want to explore new therapy approaches not offered by their existing provider, such as changing to an NDIS provider offering intensive Applied Behavior Analysis therapy or alternative communication strategies. Changing providers enables trialing new techniques.

Changing Interests and Activities

NDIS participants may change day programs or community participation activities as their interests evolve. Seeking a provider running more appealing activities can help participants pursue new hobbies, learning, and experiences.

Why Advanced Disability Management Is A Better Choice?

Advanced Disability Management (ADM) is highly recommended for NDIS participants looking to change providers in the Cairns area. ADM proves to be an exceptional support coordinator Cairns, enriching disability services.

This provider was founded by experienced caregivers who understand firsthand the needs of people with disability. ADM has cultivated a team of highly skilled support workers who provide care with the same dedication as family. They take the time to truly understand each participant as an individual.

ADM’s staff support participants to pursue personal goals, relationships, community participation, and meaningful lifestyles. Their reliable, seamless services empower participants to live life to the fullest, while their person-centered planning approach ensures supports evolve with changing needs.


It is a big decision to change NDIS service providers. Moreover, changing providers by participants can help them get better value for their money and maximize packages.

Although it may be disruptive at first, locating another provider that offers the best services can optimize what one receives in terms of support and advocacy. As such, NDIS planners should help participants weigh the options about changing providers and make sure they choose wisely.

The process of finding suitable alternatives through proper planning and research will greatly benefit participant if there are changes in the NDIS that can offer them improved and more personal assistance that cater for their self-reliance and welfare adequately.

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